Like us zoo directors love everything natural and yet have the demand to combine authenticity with staging. Today the aim of zoos are wildlife conservation and protection as well as to raise the awareness of people regarding the needs of our nature. To fulfil those aims zoos need to attract visitors to come to the zoo. Just to show animals is not enough to keep up with the huge competition of other leisure parks.
Because of our ideas and possibilities, as well as our long-time experience with the needs of leisure parks, we are able to analyse the situation on individual sites. Taking into account the existing capacities and capabilities, we find ways to make the site quickly more attractive and thus more successful. Visitors are allured by new and amazing attractions as well as fascinated by the world of flora and fauna.
Our installations make zoo visits here exciting:
Zoo Leipzig - Bear Castle's new interior (Germany, 2015)
What shall be done when an animal's compound cannot meet contemporary standards and additionally stands on the monument conservation list? How is it possible to use this space anyways?
Zoo Leipzig demonstrates how to solve that riddle. An ingenious adventure world was built - made by Künstlerische Holzgestaltung Bergmann GmbH.
Zoo Osnabrück Adventure gastronomy - Germany (2010)
Next to the Takamanda Adventure Village the Zoo in Osnabrück installed a extraordinary gastronomy. The huts for the kitchen appear in the same architecture as the Takamanda Village. The special highlight of the gastronomy area is the Tree House Lounge. The single Tree houses invite to dwell and they are connected by baulks.