Camping in Lausitz near the "Geheime Welt von Turisede"
Surrounded by our haunted house, hidden campfire sites and the Behütummis, you have the opportunity to unwind. In the haunted house there is a common room for you. Right next door you will find the sanitary facilities. Both are at your free disposal at any time. The romantically illuminated mystical forest path shows you the way to the center of the amusement park. There is a lot to discover and explore for big and small adventurers!
The night is not just for sleeping...
You could, for example, cook yourself in the tree house sauna in the "Faulenzum" wellness area, or let yourself be boiled soft in the cannibal cauldron. Those who like adventure will get their money's worth during the "witching hour" or during the midnight adventure. On the other hand, those who prefer to end the day in a cozy atmosphere can sit around the campfire at the "Feuertempel" or indulge themselves in the "Feuer-Wasser-Spielunke", for example.
Explore without end...
Roof walk, magic castle with ghost cellar, children's play town, animal encounters - on, under and above the ground, hidden surprises are waiting everywhere in the "geheime Welt von Turisede". Wonderful walking paths lead to the adventure area "Turiuswinkel" on the Polish side of the border river. And when hunger comes, you can sizzle at the campfire or feast in the "Baumstammlokal" (Restaurant).
You can sleep like the Turiseder not only on our camping site! From the airy tree bed (Baumbett), glamorous tree house to hidden "Erdversteck"... In the 1st German tree house hotel and many other properties are adventurous nights ahead.
Feel free to check out the offers on our website!
Link Overnight Stays
Camping in Behütum (short term camping)
Camping in "Baumhauscamp" (Turiuswinkel - Poland)

You can book your pitch or your accommodation under: +49 (0) 35891-491 13 / buchung@turisede.de
We are available daily from 10 am to 18 pm.
Die Geheime Welt von Turisede – Kulturinsel Einsiedel
Künstlerische Holzgestaltung Bergmann GmbH
Kulturinsel Einsiedel 1
02829 Neißeaue OT Zentendorf
Phone: +49 (0) 35891 / 49113
Mail: buchung@turisede.de