
Our ships do not float. But they fly! We can offer a flying dutchman, a cog, a junk,a fishing boat, even a cast-away-raft. Nevertheless, our most popular customers of our ship yard are pirates. To be precise, little wanne-be pirates. With our imaginative wooden boats they become conquerers and explorers. Afterwards the daring privateers often turn into good citizens.

Our ships offer, next to the many climbing options, many possibilities for role playing. While an adventurous ship is an eyecatcher for adults, kids are instantly lured on board. Here they can find several stimuli for daily new adventures. Not only as captains but also as explorers, police men, doctors, sales men or fire fighters, astronauts or clerks. All the jobs they know from the adult world.
Where our ships sail over the land:
Franceloc Carabouille - France (2011)
A wondrous habitable Ship for "voyages" of all kinds with a balcony outside to enjoy the view and a snug inside for recreation awaits you here.