Originally we started off with Play-Sculptures. During the years we produced reams of these exceptional objects in many varieties and shapes. There are no limits for the imagination. Seen with children‘s eyes they have a huge playing potential. For people over 30 we also developed activity encouraging sculptures.

 In an ensemble or as single object Play-Sculptures are always an eye catcher and a concourse for all generations.


The magic dwellings of our sculptures may be found in:


Next to lively horses and the matching chariot, there's also a slide and a maze of boxes and lots of role play options.

In the Waldorf Kindergarden in Brunswig stands a climbing forest which consists of different joints of ropes, chains, bars for balancing acts, climbing and layaway. There are also hammocks and tree house platforms.  

2008 a unique Truck was developped for the Ronald McDonald Foundation. It has several levels, a sandbox and maze-like climbing-pipes including a matching service station.


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